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Access to Capital
Determining Your Career DNA
Advertising & Marketing using Social Media and SEO
Legal, Taxes, Accounting, Book Keeping
Human Resources & using a Professional Employment Organization
1030 - 1110Buying or selling a business, Business Valuation
Business Plans 101/ Pitching your business
Food and Beverage Industry
DVBE Certification & doing business with the government
1120 - 1200Marketing Your Business Effectively
1300 - 1330Advertising & Marketing using Social Media and SEO
Legal, Taxes, Accounting, Book Keeping
Human Resources & using a Professional Employment Organization
1350 - 1430Buying or selling a business, Business Valuation
Business Plans 101/ Pitching your business
Food and Beverage Industry
DVBE Certification & doing business with the government
1440 - 1520If you have any questions about the event, please contact us directly. We will respond for sure.