Attention NorCal Military, Veterans & Spouses!

Welcome To Freedom Summit II

American River College

4700 College Oak Dr, Sacramento, CA 95841

Saturday, June 15th, 2019

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Network with other Active Duty, Veteran and Military Spouse Entrepreneurs, and Subject Matter Experts; Select from 8 breakout sessions on: Starting or expanding your business – Business Terms/Image: Presenting yourself for Success • Financing a Business through debt or equity and Fund raising • Food and Beverage Industry • DVBE Certification & doing business with the government • Buying or selling a business, Business Valuation • Advertising & Marketing using Social Media and SEO • Legal, Taxes, Accounting, Book Keeping • Human Resources & using a Professional Employment Organization • Franchising • Business Plans 101 and Pitching your Business


[cth_addtocalendar event_start=”2019-06-15 8:00:00″ event_end=”2019-06-15 17:00:00″ timezone=”USA/Pacific” event_title=”Freedom Summit II” location=”American River College, 4700 College Oak Dr, Sacramento, CA 95841″ organizer=”National Veterans Transition Services, Inc.” organizer_email=””]Network with over 400 Veteran and Military Spouse Entrepreneurs, and Subject Matter Experts; Select from 8 breakout sessions on: Starting or expanding your business • Financing a business through debt or equity • Business valuation • DVBE certification & doing business with the government • Buying or selling a business • Advertising & marketing using social media • Legal, taxes, accounting • Human resources & using a Professional Employment Organization • Franchising • Pitching your business[/cth_addtocalendar]

Join Us for 2019 Veteran Entrepreneur Freedom Summit II

The Largest NorCal Gathering of Veteran and Military Business Owners
[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-bubble-comment-streamline-talk” title=”About Us”]Hosted by the American River College and supported by sponsors, Freedom Summit II is presented by Veteran Launch, the Rosie Network, and National Veterans Transition Services (REBOOT), in collaboration with CalVet, SBA and other Veteran Service Organizations.[/cth_featurebox]
[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-home-house-streamline” title=”Business Ownership”]9% of U.S. businesses are owned by veterans. Approximately 25% of transitioning service members elect to start their own business, and 49% of military spouses are already self-employed. The 2.5 million veteran-owned businesses together generate $1.14 trillion in annual revenue, employing over 5 million, with a payroll of $195 billion.[/cth_featurebox]
[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-speech-streamline-talk-user” title=”Veteran Entrepreneurs Summit”]The 2019 Freedom Summit presents an opportunity to network, meet business leaders and connect with subject matter experts at this groundbreaking event.  And, introducing two new features this year: connect with mentors through Focus and participate in the “Pitch- Session” where selected Vetrepreneurs have the chance to “pitch” their business to real angel investors.[/cth_featurebox]
Don’t Miss This Great Opportunity to Connect and Learn from the Best!



Check-in / Registration / Networking / Continental Breakfast

0800 - 0845

Color Guard Ceremony to Open Summit / Welcome Remarks

0845 - 0910

Keynote Speaker

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0910 - 0935

Panel I

Access to Capital

Determining Your Career DNA

0940 - 1010

Morning break / Exhibitors

1010 - 1030

Morning Sessions A (Choose 1)

Advertising & Marketing using Social Media and SEO

Legal, Taxes, Accounting, Book Keeping

Human Resources & using a Professional Employment Organization


1030 - 1110

Morning Sessions B (Choose 1)

Buying or selling a business, Business Valuation

Business Plans 101/ Pitching your business

Food and Beverage Industry

DVBE Certification & doing business with the government

1120 - 1200

Lunch & Networking with Sponsors, Exhibitors, Experts

1200 - 1300

Panel II

Marketing Your Business Effectively

1300 - 1330

Afternoon break 1 / Exhibitors

1330 - 1350

Afternoon Sessions C (Choose 1)

Advertising & Marketing using Social Media and SEO

Legal, Taxes, Accounting, Book Keeping

Human Resources & using a Professional Employment Organization


1350 - 1430

Afternoon Sessions D (Choose 1)

Buying or selling a business, Business Valuation

Business Plans 101/ Pitching your business

Food and Beverage Industry

DVBE Certification & doing business with the government

1440 - 1520

Afternoon break 2 / Exhibitors

1520 - 1540

Pitch Competition – The Finals

1540 - 1700

Trade Show Break Down



[cth_featurebox title=”Great Speakers”]Ten unique perspectives on business ownership. No war stories from large corporations with experience and budgets that doesn’t apply to small enterprise. All the selected speakers have hands-on pragmatic, real-world knowledge and realistic useful insight to share.[/cth_featurebox]
[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-cocktail-mojito-streamline” title=”Network with peers”]Rub elbows with other vetrepreneurs, franchisors, government contracting managers, and subject matter experts who have been there and can advise you on the best practices to insure your success.[/cth_featurebox]
[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-map-pin-streamline” title=”Five Transition Tracks”]Covering everything from startup to building your gang, certification and diversity supplier tips, and essential real-world skills, we give you the chance quickly pick up what you need to know.[/cth_featurebox]
[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-armchair-chair-streamline” title=”Stimulating and Exciting Environment”]Enjoy a place to RETHINK. RETOOL. TAKE CONTROL. Where everyone wants to support your success and is there to mentor and sustain your vision.[/cth_featurebox]



If you have any questions about the event, please contact us directly. We will respond for sure.



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