Attention SoCal Military, Veterans & Spouses!

Join Us At The 2019

Military, Veterans, & Spouse

Workforce Readiness Summit & Resource Fair

Hosted by the San Diego Veterans Coalition
Education – Employment – Entrepreneurship
Action Group

Saturday, September 14th, 2019

Liberty Station Conference
2600 Laning Rd, San Diego, CA 92106

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[cth_addtocalendar event_start=”2019-09-14 08:30:00″ event_end=”2019-09-14 18:00:00″ timezone=”US/Pacific” event_title=”2019 Military, Veterans, & Spouses Workforce Readiness Summit & Resource Fair” location=”Liberty Station Conference Center, 2600 Laning Road, San Diego, CA 92106″ organizer=”Hosted by the San Diego Veterans Coalition”]Network with over 350 Veteran Entrepreneurs and Subject Matter Experts; Attend up to 10 breakout sessions on – Starting a Business, Financing a Business, Pitching Your Business, Doing Business with the Government, Franchising, starting a Non-Profit vs For-Profit,  Personal Growth, Business Project Management, Developing Legal Acumen, and The Spouse CEO.[/cth_addtocalendar]

2019 Military, Veteran, & Spouse
Workforce Readiness Summit & Resource Fair

0900 – 1700
Expert Discussions/Sessions

Panel I: Choosing a Company vs a Job
Concurrent Sessions A & B
Concurrent 1-on-1 Career Readiness Check-up with Career Advice
Keynote Presentation: Starting out from Scratch, Col Ted Studdard, USMC (Ret.)
Panel II: Navigating the Veteran Entrepreneur Eco System
Concurrent Sessions C & D
Live Pitch Session
Career Fair: Connect with local employers actively hiring veterans & spouses
Take control of your future via one of three tracks:
[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-bubble-comment-streamline-talk” title=”Education”]Uncover opportunities to learn the in-demand new skills of Project Management, Data Science, Cybersecurity, CRM, Web Development, and beyond.

  • Choosing a College: There’s no magic formula for choosing a college, but there are steps you can take to find a good fit. This session will help to start your journey.
  • Certification vs Degree: A certification can help you launch a new career without making a major investment in time and money. It can also serve to show a potential employer that you possess competency in coursework relevant to a job.
  • Financing Your Education: This session will help you discover the hidden secretes in financing your education without incurring major debt.


[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-home-house-streamline” title=”Employment”]Work with leaders in corporate hiring and culture through professional development workshops on LinkedIn profiles, elevator pitch, and networking.

  • Discovering Your “Career DNA”: With over 80% of veterans not certain about their next career move, discovering your “Career DNA” is a critical step in successfully finding the right job . 
  • Making Yourself Marketable  This session will cover several ways to make your self marketable to employers.
  • Personal Economic Empowerment: Being financially secure while searching for employment has many benefits such as controlling stress. 
  • 1-on-1 Check-up with Career advice: Sit down with a career coach and review your readiness to enter the workforce.


[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-speech-streamline-talk-user” title=”Entrepreneurship”]Learn the critical steps to start and grow your business with content on securing VC financing, design thinking, business law, government contracting, and lean methodologies.

  • Entrepreneurial Education: Discover local and national resources for veterans, academic research, programs, and best practices for businesses.
  • Getting Certified: Attend this session if you want to learn how to Get Your Business Certified as Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned.
  • Access to Capital: Choosing the Right Source of Funding for your startup
  • Franchising: Franchises are a great way for veterans to start a business, learn how to from the experts.
  • Pitch Session: Practice makes perfect – Receive feedback from a panel of judges.


Don’t Miss This Great Opportunity to Connect and Learn from the Best!



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[cth_featurebox title=”Great Speakers”]Thirty-nine unique perspectives on business ownership. No war stories from large corporations with experience and budgets that doesn’t apply to small enterprise. All the selected speakers have hands-on pragmatic, real-world knowledge and realistic useful insight to share.[/cth_featurebox]
[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-cocktail-mojito-streamline” title=”Network with peers”]Rub elbows with other vetrepreneurs, franchisors, government contracting managers, and subject matter experts who have been there and can advise you on the best practices to insure your success.[/cth_featurebox]
[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-map-pin-streamline” title=”Ten Transition Tracks”]Covering everything from startup to building your gang, certification and diversity supplier tips, and essential real-world skills, we give you the chance quickly pick up what you need to know.[/cth_featurebox]
[cth_featurebox icon=”icon-armchair-chair-streamline” title=”Stimulating and Exciting Environment”]Enjoy a place to SHARE. SUPPORT. SUCCEED. Where everyone wants to support your success and is there to mentor and help you sustain your vision.[/cth_featurebox]

If you have any questions about the event, please contact us directly. We will respond for sure.



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    Participant Registration $25
    Continental Breakfast/Lunch + Keynote
    Plenary Sessions
    Breakout Sessions
    Peer Networking
    Round Table Brainstorming Sessions

    Dear exhibitor/sponsor, thank you for supporting the Veteran & Military Spouse Workforce Readiness Summit & Resource Fair taking place Saturday, September 14, 2019 hosted by the san Diego Veterans Coalition. Please choose your participation level from the options below.




    Click here to register as an Exhibitor or Sponsor

    For additional questions please call Maurice Wilson
    at 619-822-2704 or email