Michelle Price
Music Therapy for Veterans with PTSD – Changing Lives One Note at a Time
We provide access to quality music and sound therapy for veterans with PTSD or TBI
My life-long learning was inspired by weekly trips to the public library with my mother. I’d come home with stacks of books. At work, I learned how to systematically develop and deliver training programs. In the late nineties, I bought so much information I figured out packaging knowledge was how people were monetizing expertise online.
My first client’s book launched online to national best seller status but the real money was in the $75K retreat workshop we did 90 days later. A client once told me I was being paid for my time. I instinctively replied that no, I was being paid for my value and what I knew. He agreed! We both learned something that day.
Today I coach and train women authors and experts to add value to their books by first creating and selling an online course, then a series of courses vs. selling more services.
- Women typically first use their book to sell more services because it’s how they’ve been taught to use the book.
- Create an online course from your book first or create as you are writing the book
- This will begin to leverage your book to help you decrease time traded for dollars, plus add value and make more impact on your readers.