Dale Eisenberg
Co-CEO of nonprofit Veteran Business Project
Dale is the Co-founder and current Co-CEO of nonprofit Veteran Business ProjectTM “Gettng Veterans into Business” (VBP), which energizes and sustains veteran and military spouse entrepreneurship. Among its services, VBP offers a unique “vharmony” matchmaking process, connecNng veterans/military spouses seeking to acquire established businesses with business owners hoping to divest.
He has been a successful restaurateur for over 43 years having owned mulNple
Original Pancake House restaurants in Toledo, Ohio and the suburbs of Chicago.
His desire to conNnually improve his restaurants by bringing healthy food opNons to the public, coupled with his desire to develop a socially conscious, lifestyle-business, also led to the development of 2Toots Train Whistle Grill and ulNmately the Veteran Business Project iniNaNve. Dale is a staunch supporter of veteran issues, and encourages and mentors veteran entrepreneurs while also pushing our educaNonal and awareness agenda.